10 Fashion and Beauty Resolutions for the New Year

The beginning of the New Year is the time for setting new goals to accomplish and rejoice over. While most people include healthy eating and exercising in their to-do lists, not many think of fashion and beauty resolutions. If your beauty regimen has slackened and your makeup drawers can do with some love, here are 10 resolutions to rev up your beauty routine in 2017.

1.Remove your makeup every night

Sleeping with makeup damages to the skin. No matter how tired you may be, resolve to take your makeup off before you go to bed. Your skin will thank you for it.

2.Focus on proper application

While you may be extremely careful in buying the best beauty products in the market, when it comes to using them, do you just slap them on? The way you apply the products is important for them to work well. So, don’t rush through the process.

3.Use sunscreen every single day

If there’s just one fashion and beauty resolution you would like to follow this year, it should be wearing sunscreen every single day, including the winter months. Sunscreen protects your skin from the harsh UVA/UVB rays, prevents premature ageing and helps avoid a host of other skin issues.

4.Take care of your body skin

Most of the times we are so focused on our faces that we don’t pay much attention to the skin on our bodies. This year, how about showing your body the same love as your face? Remember to scrub your body regularly and don’t forget to moisturize it.

5.Moisturize your skin daily

It is as important to moisturize the skin as it is to cleanse it daily. No matter what skin type you have, remember to apply moisturizer every day, including the hot, summer months. For those who find moisturizers greasy, there are many lightweight solutions too that you can use.

6.Exfoliate regularly

Our skin accumulates dead skin cells, which must be removed at regular intervals. This is where exfoliation can help. Make exfoliation a regular part of your fashion and beauty regimen and not something you do once in two months, when you remember.

7.Stop picking your face

No matter how tempted you may be to squeeze your pimples, or scratch your scabs, or remove those blackheads, make a strong resolution to refrain from doing so. Messing with your face only does harm and creates more problems for the skin.

8.Avoid using excessive makeup

While you may love doing up your face artistically, your pores will rebel if they don’t get a break once in a while. This year, go for lighter makeup, and sometimes just let your skin breathe. Who says you can’t look good without makeup!

9.Discard old products

Start 2017 with a clean slate. Check your drawers and throw out everything that has been in use for more than 6 months.

10.Sleep well

Getting your required quota of sleep should be on the top of your 2017 fashion and beauty resolutions. Your skin rejuvenates even as you sleep and not getting enough rest at night will tell on your skin in a major way.

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